Rapex 2019 44 Lanyard Tamforce

Alert number: A12/1625/19

Product:  Lanyard

Name: KM1506505

Batch number / Barcode:  Unknown

Type of alert: Serious

Category: Protective equipment

Brand: Tamforce

Type / number of model:  Unknown

Risk type: Injuries
The lanyard is insufficiently resistant to dynamic loads.
The lanyard could break during use causing the person to fall to the ground.

The product does not comply with the Personal Protective Equipment Directive and the relevant European standard EN 354.


Measures ordered by public authorities (to: Importer): Ban on the marketing of the product and any accompanying measures, Recall of the product from end users, Withdrawal of the product from the market


Description:  Lanyard, polyester, 1,8 m, carabiner and snap hook at the ends. The product was sold on line.

Country of origin: China

Alert submitted by: Finland